
WhatsApp Active Users Reaches Half a Billion

By Richard - Tuesday, 22 April 2014 No Comments
No doubt if the popularity of instant messaging application WhatsApp as an increasingly uphill. This is evident from the data of active users has reached 500 million figure aka half a billion, as quoted from the official blog
Also informed that there are about 700 million and 100 million video photo circulating through WhatsApp, every day. And in recent months a very significant user growth comes from Brazil, India, Mexico and Russia.

WhatsApp is now owned by Facebook, with the figure ransom of U.S. $ 19 billion recorded is growing rapidly after the acquisition. If previously active users totaled 450 million WhatsApp, then after the acquisition by the giant social media company led by Mark Zuckerberg, users immediately increase by 50 million users in just 1.5 months.

We'll see to what extent WhatsApp will continue to grow and thrive. Including innovations that will be given to users in the future, if you want to WhatsApp continues to be the world's leading messaging applications.

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