
Nokia Got a New CEO

By Richard - Tuesday, 29 April 2014 No Comments
After Microsoft bought the handset business, Nokia announced Rajeev Suri as Chief Executive Officer of the new company.

Suri is an electronics and telecommunications engineer 46-year-old who previously held the units of Nokia mobile network since 2009. He has successfully reversed the golden age division of Network & Solution Nokia which had left a mess after a merger with a unit of Siemens network in 2006.

Excerpted from WSJ, Rajeev Suri commented "With our three strong business position (Network, HERE and Technology) coupled to a position as one of the largest software companies in the world, we will achieve the goal of becoming the leader in technology for the world in which all people connected ".

Currently, Nokia will start the capital structure optimization program worth U.S. $ 6.9 billion, including to pay dividends to shareholders, buy back shares, reduce debt, and other financial efforts

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