
Apple Releases iOS 7.1.1 Update for iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch

By Richard - Wednesday, 23 April 2014 No Comments
Apple on Tuesday (22/4) issued the latest update to the mobile operating system that is very popular. iOS 7.1.1, available immediately through the air (OTA) and will soon appear and may be downloaded through iTunes.
This update only covers a little update with bug fixes in the latest release of Apple, on iOS 7.1.

This update is compatible with the iPhone 5s, 5c iPhone, iPhone 5, iPhone 4s and iPhone 4, as well as the latest iPad and iPod touch models. Apple informs some changes in iOS 7.1.1 list as shown below.

- Further improvements to fingerprint recognition Touch ID
- Fixed a bug that may affect responses Keyboard
- Fix problems when using a Bluetooth keyboard with VoiceOver enabled.

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