
Google Ready to Launch Galaxy S5 Google Play Edition

By Richard - Friday, 2 May 2014 No Comments
Google seems to be getting re-establish the tradition recruit great smartphones and sophisticated range of products to fit within its Google Play Edition. Leaked latest info from Unwiredview, (04/30/2014), going into the Samsung Galaxy smartphone edition S5 on the set of the Google Play.

That means Samsung Galaxy S5 will accompany some smartphones that have been in it such as the HTC One (2013), the Samsung Galaxy S4, Sony Z Ultra, G Moto, HTC (M8) and several others.

Indeed, the Samsung Galaxy S5 seen yet in the list of devices Google Play Edition (GPE) described Google. However, from the instructions that leaked product images on Google Play, seen from the appearance and design of the interface can be believed that it is the Galaxy S5, ready to enter the GPE product.

Products that fall into the ranks of Google Play Edition means to have the original firmware of Android Google's default, without any customization / addition or modification of the manufacturer.

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